By Chantelle Rodrigo, Insights & Strategy Specialist - March 2024
Invercargill was one of the warmest places we've visited! We got so lucky with the weather but the people were what really stood out.
That, and driving on the beach ⛐

My most recent roadtrip took us to visit Boundaryline who are nationwide, but have their HQ in Invercargill.
Ange was born there so I tagged along when we went to visit some of her family, feeling like I was meeting the in-laws for the first time. I’ll have you know that unlike most 'in-law meeting experiences' this was a really lovely one.

It included sitting in a sunroom having tea with Ange’s uncle and aunty and later, having fish and chips on Oreti beach with her cousin and his beautiful family.
And we drove on the beach for both sunset and sunrise - it never gets old!

The next morning, we were off to Transport World where Boundaryline had a good chunk of the team flown in for the Guts session. As Hugh McGaveston put it, “feedback is the breakfast of champions” and that’s exactly how the team tackled the workshop, like true champions.

From the Deep Dive workshop, I knew that the team was rearing to go but the Guts session proved that not only were they ready to be accountable, they were also ready to take action and approached each piece with a problem-solving mindset.
We left impressed by how honest and open everyone was, which is a real testament to Boundaryline’s company culture.
We would’ve loved to stay longer but had to rush off right after the Guts to catch our flight…we managed to slide onto our plane just in time to get back home (Air NZ kindly re-opened the bag drop just for us 🙏🏽).