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Make customer insights

your superpower

What humbles you helps you.

We specialise in uncovering valuable insights, hidden opportunities and areas for growth from your customers.

Served up as straight-forward, crisp and thought-provoking insights and marketing content.

Together with your team, we delve deep to gain context, crafting a forward-looking strategy that not only challenges but also inspires action, ultimately enhancing your customers' journey.

In a market where the competition for every dollar is fierce, we get you closer to your customers so you can focus on what really matters.
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The Depth Sounder™ covers: Customer Feedback・Market Research・Customer Journey ・ Benchmarks
・Marketing Strategy・Business Strategy・Team Building・Action Planning・Testimonials・Accountability

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We deliver game-changing results for ambitious businesses.

Over a decade ago, WLB founder Ange Wallace identified an unexplored market for easily accessible, profound, and unfiltered customer insights.
Avoid settling for ordinary customer research.

Choose What Lies Beneath™ to get straight to the Guts.

About Us

Our straightforward and upfront approach strikes a chord with business and marketing leaders

They revel in clarity and confidence and witness their teams unify with decisive action.

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What We Do


A six-week service suitable for all-sized B2B businesses and industries.

Customer Conversations

Our Signature Skill

Deep Dive Workshop

Exploration to Inspiration

Advanced Analysis

Our Trade Secret

The Guts Workshop

Insights to Action

Final Report

Action and Traction


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